Volume Seven, June MMXXI
To inquire about submitting an analog relic for review, contact thecallofthenight@gmail.com.
ARA Von Der Nacht (Into Endless Chaos)
A boundary-exploring band from Vienna, Austria pulls together hints of tribalism, folk, aloof goth attitude under a tabernacle of medieval black metal to create one of the more enrapturing debuts of recent memory. Atmospheric and evocative while still sounding like it was made by the crudely drawn swordsmen depicted on the tape cover. The vocal performance is positively feral, eschewing the more emotional howl in favor of a clenched-teeth ululation that sounds like the noises 19th century mental patients might have made before some cruel attendant got the hose and sprayed them down. Clocking in at over a half-hour of material, this is a fully featured recording as opposed to the typical demo. One can only hope that Ara haven’t exhausted their well of ideas for this project. - R.L.

AULD RIDGE Consanguineous Tales of Bloodshed and Treachery (Hermetic Order of Ytene)
This is the second full-length and fourth release from this prolific project by the same hermit most commonly known for Albionic Hermeticism, and definitely a culmination of the path Auld Ridge has been leading since its start in early 2020. Mixing both sounds present in previous releases, the rustic pagan neofolk passages and interludes, with the thunderous black metal sound that drifts between being highly experimental and crudely orthodox, O.W.G.A. graces us with his best accomplishment so far. An absolute triumph in songwriting, with an even more layered and orchestrated structuring, mixing various layers of brutal guitar work, with ominous keys and synthesizers. The folk material here reaches its prime as well, portraying not only ritualistic ceremonies of old as it evokes on other tracks a sense of forest wandering on the path to deathly encounters. The black metal part brilliantly balance unrelenting aggression, that matches Consanguineous’ theme of Europe’s past history of bloodshed, and grandiose melodicism that can only be achieved by a musician with such a clear vision and proficiency. For me, the best record of the year thus far, and I can’t imagine this being beaten. It’s almost indescribably good. For now it has only been released via the artist’s own small imprint, but it’s highly advised to keep track for further digital and LP releases. - RoP

CHAPEL GRAVE Veļu māte (Consistentis Veritatis Peremptoria)
With Veļu māte, or ‘Mother of the Dead,’ R.v.R. lays to rest his wholly instrumental funereal depressive black doom project Chapel Grave. Just like Olšany, Chapel Grave’s 2018 debut tape, Veļu māte collects four tracks in total; two organ-led ambient short pieces and two sprawling, painstricken and maudlin black metal epics played. Once again, slow drums, droning rhythm guitars and leads, sometimes guitar, sometimes synth leads like the very pangs of grief compose the black marble wall that is Chapel Grave’s moving-yet-statuesque sound. The man behind CVP has numerous projects and will no doubt spawn more, but with sadness in my heart I toss down these words of admiration like flowers into the yawning abyss of Chapel Grave’s departure. Seriously, when come the vinyl represses? - J. Proust

DUNLECKH Dunleckh (Self-released)
Three tracks of desolate, windswept, jangly black metal guitar completely and fittingly devoid of unnecessary percussion or vocals. With just a few guitar layers, Dunleckh conjures thick, slowly churning, distant brumes of frozen winter air. Somewhat reminiscent of Blazebirth Hall’s instrumental stylings, but Dunkleckh incorporates riffage that transcends that of the black metal tradition, adding a uniquely memorable aspect to this emergent entity. -N.B.

FAUN Betrothed Unto Death (Sutsircitna Productions)
A dark gem unearthed from the annals of 1995 Norway, Betrothed Unto Death is an unsung work of raw, tastefully symphonic four-track brilliance by ephemeral lords Faun, now active for many years as black thrashers Vulture Lord. Thunderous, virtuosic drumming, unpretentious, borderline ignorant (in the most complimentary sense) guitar parts, and delay-infected vocals ripped straight from the viscera of the Underworld itself are sparsely accented with unsettling synths on this twenty minute must-hear. - N.B.

GLÖQKE I (Cursed Blood)
This debut tape from obscure Canadian black metal act Glöqke demands to be turned up! Its twenty minute length feels too short because Glöqke play tight and energetic black metal that goes straight for the throat, but also because the tapes rather unpredictable as there are like three different types of raw black metal on display here. The runaway hit tracks are the pale vampyric attack of “Calice Rouillé” and the deciduously poetic stomper “Vermines à Perpétuité,”’ but that “Outro” stumbles upon a mood I’d love to see Glöqke explore further. But, alas, who knows if we’ll ever even hear from this mysterious Quebecois entity again? Such is the black metal underground. - J. Proust

IDOLATROUS Idolatrous (N.V.N.M.)
This brand-new nightmare emanating from the New Jersey dungeon is a chaotic mix of hardcore punk, noise rock, just noise, and of course black metal. Forgoing any notion of making anything the least bit tuneful or pleasant to listen to, this is definitely a tape to put on when you're feeling negative and destructive. Even the haphazard tape dubbing job adds to the atmosphere of paranoia and schizophrenia. If you are on the hunt for some nihilistic fukk off music then this tape will probably do well to scratch that itch in your brain that your fingernails simply cannot reach. Nihil Verum Nisi Mors put out the tape and had the good sense to include a warning on the J-card portending the lawless psycho noise held within. - R.L.

PERISH MOON Grave Rays (Ancient Horror)
Perish Moon is a brand new project from Indonesia, a country that has recently been overflowing with noteworthy black metal pustulence. While Perish Moon is nominally linked thematically to vampires and their ilk, the sound is quite a bit out of step from the current herd of "vampyric black metal" bands. On their criminally short debut demo "Grave Rays," this dark practitioner presents a severely snotty brand of punk inflected black metal complete with a creepy, theremin-adjacent keyboard and high flying guitar solos. At just two tracks and only ten minutes of play time, it certainly leaves wanting more and with any luck, more is exactly what we'll get down the line. Ancient Horror from Singapore released the demo on tape. - R.L.

STARCAVE NEBULA And Tomorrow the Stars… (Food for Dogs Productions)
Appearing from the vast cosmic blackness, the Canadians in Starcave Nebula graced us with their debut demo last August, and since then we’ve seen already 3 more demos and one split. The most intriguing project coming from the Victoria-based label, Food for Dogs Productions, Starcave Nebula surely is waving high into space the flag of raw DIY black metal, based around unique hallucinogenic riffings filled with seemingly random but glorious hooks and little details. Total improvised, drug-fueled madness, reminiscent of the brilliant Dutch scene, leading into the heart of an interstellar, kaleidoscopic dust cloud, driven by Outerspace Woman’s berserk drumming. The home dubs could be of better quality, with prejudice to the drum sound, but these austral frequencies remain uniquely psychedelic. - RoP

SERVITUTEM Pelos Caminhos Manchados de Sangue (Self-released)
With 2 demos self-released in 2012 and 2013, both limited to just 33 copies, Servitutem made its spectral appearance, like a medieval spirit lost in time, and suddenly disappeared into oblivion and was never heard again. Truth is, both these tapes bare truly singular and brilliant raw black metal, akin to the style of the glaring Black Cilice, with its hazy riffs echoing through crypts unknown and secluded castles, while spectral leads bare the spirits of those who paid with blood for defending Lusitania and its sovereignty. The clean, epic vocal style also sets itself apart here, beautifully narrating the story of a medieval knight who serves none but the iron and its glory, obsessing and meditating about death and the imminence of its arrival. Truly one of the best and most hidden gems in Portugal’s cryptic black metal scene, one can only hope it might awaken from its slumber once again. - RoP

TRUE LOVE To Pray For Perpetual Violence (Les Fleurs du Mal)
Pummelling & unorthodox raw black metal release from sole member Raii of Nevada. In the 29-minute runtime, True Love delivers a withering soundscape of perpetual torment and absolute resentment. With hypnotic whaling at one second, suffocating whispers and layered chants the next, Raii’s diverse vocal style alone could hold your attention the entire time. The guitar work needs no help staying interesting however. The riffs on this demo showcase the band’s ability to work in different styles from fierce riffs with death metal intensity right beside passages that could come right out Rise Above Records. This tape includes a Nirvana & Bathory cover (‘Something In The Way’ & 'Necromancy’), and was released on Les Fleurs du Mal Productions limited to 103 copies. With 10 releases of mostly singles & splits, this is a band which needs a compilation tape release as soon as possible. - B. Larocque

UFO CULTIST Dyatlov Pass (Amateur Electronics)
Getting super high on some really paranoiac weed then jamming Dyatlov Pass at critical volume is the closest many of us will ever get to experiencing a real alien abduction. ‘Simple but incredibly effective’ is the name of the game on UFO Cultist’s debut two-track tape of harsh noise inspired by those mysterious deaths in the Ural Mountains in February 1959. Opener “9 Experienced Hikers” broods in the distance before the drilling sets to liquifying your cerebellum. The oscillating pulse that dominates the first track’s latter half does liners well to simulate the feeling of violating scrutiny beneath extraterrestrial technology. “9 Dead Bodies” never abandons its ominous drone, leaving you with a lasting unsettled feeling before ultimately sounding like a sputtering UFO coming back to life and vanishing once more into beyond. - J. Proust

USTALOST The Spoor of Vipers (Sibir Records)
A solo effort from the indomitable W. Skarstad, one of the masterminds behind USBM greats Yellow Eyes, Ustalost released their sole full length back in 2016. The project’s name translating from Russian as “fatigue”, The Spoor of Vipers indeed boasts a somewhat gloomier, more nefarious, and more tightly black metal-focused aesthetic as compared to Y.E., but thankfully with Skarstad’s unmistakable guitar counterpoint still in full effect. Otherworldly, shimmering synths and tortured screeches permeate this massively riff-driven release, which can easily hold its own in the pantheon of esoteric modern USBM gems. - N.B.