Premiere: Felvum - “Fullmoon Mysticism”
4/8/22 | J. Proust
Felvum, the latest underground black metal operation to emerge from Ukraine, was introduced to us by Këkht Aräkh’s The Crying Orc. Of course, when the Pale Swordsman himself tells us about a band, our interest is considerably piqued.
According to The Crying Orc, Felvum was started by Felnone, a friend of his and Wanja Mamykin, the musician behind Mrtva Vod. “All the three of us are from a southern Ukrainian city called Mykolaiv,” explains The Crying Orc, who goes on to tell us that Felvum’s debut EP was recorded just before he departed the country.

Felvum began, according to our sources, as a means for coping with life’s struggles. The Ukrainian musician, despite only being a novice guitar player, according to The Crying Orc, began writing black metal riffs with the intent of turning them into full compositions.
“He had barely started playing guitar, so I was impressed by how good they were,” says The Crying Orc. “However they still had to be put together. I helped with composing tracks out of the riffs, then we recorded them at the same studio where Pale Swordsman was recorded. I recorded guitars, Mrtva Vod recorded drums and bass, and did all the sound engineering work afterwards.”
Nevermind its obviously derivative title, Fullmoon Mysticism burns with a true passion and sincere dedication for the black arts. The riffs seem at once timeless and fresh and the catharsis achieved in releasing them onto the world is swelteringly palpable in every second of the EP.

Fullmoon Mysticism comes out April 12 on pro-tape from Out of Season. We’re pleased to offer our readers this first listen at a burgeoning new talent from one of the most exciting scenes in modern European black metal.