"The Scent Of Torture, Conquering All"
Exclusive Track Premiere
08/28/20 | J.R.

A discussion of modern raw black metal would be incomplete without mentioning Olympia's Lamp of Murmuur. Beginning in 2019, this mysterious, prolific solo artist took the black metal underground by storm, and through their various releases does this project set a new standard for an oft-dispassionate and dialed-in style. Where others concentrate on "rawness" and aesthetic, Lamp of Murmuur's strong compositions and sharp riffing speaks to a deeper talent buried beneath the haze, the rawness an afterthought compared to the strength of the material carrying it.

Heir of Ecliptical Romanticism cover art for Not Kvlt Records.
On the project's upcoming album, Heir of Ecliptical Romanticism, Lamp of Murmuur sheds a heavy coat. Is it raw? Not necessarily, at least not like previous material, and this newfound clarity lends to this mysterious creator's ever-growing style. Looking at "The Scent Of Torture, Conquering All", which is exclusively streaming below, there is still a harshness found within Lamp of Murmuur's sound, but with a heft which is almost necessary to fully appreciate the quality songwriting found herein. This moves far beyond the realm of "collector raw black metal" and into the upper pantheon of great black metal overall.

Heir of Ecliptical Romanticism cover art for Death Kvlt Productions.
Upon the release of Heir of Ecliptical Romanticism, which is slated for October 2nd on the Lamp of Murmuur Bandcamp (with vinyl to follow - more on that later), Lamp of Murmuur will invariably launch from the raw black metal underground and into a greater, well earned sense of renown. Lamp of Murmuur's destructive might now has even more force behind it. Beware.
Heir of Ecliptical Romanticism will be available digitally directly from the artist, as well as on vinyl from Not Kvlt Records (to be pressed in an undisclosed limitation) and Death Kvlt Productions (100 color vinyl, 200 black vinyl). Border art and Lamp of Murmuur logo by Amalantrah Workings.