August MMXX | A.W. Clovenhopf
The full moon on August 3rd is at 11 degrees Aquarius. The Sabian symbol (archetypal understandings of each of the zodiac degrees as revealed by clairvoyant Elsie Wheeler) for this area of the sky reveals that “during a silent hour, a person receives a new inspiration which may change their life.” A re-evaluation is an appropriate response now. The numerous planets in retrograde motion concur. What in your daily dealings need a rethink? What habitual defense is due for a reconstruction or dismantling? This task is so much easier to recognize in others than ourselves. The house placements of Aquarius and Leo will reveal the areas you need to focus on at this time. If you are uncertain where these signs fall in your chart, plug in your birth time at astro.com or support your local astrologer.
At the start of the month, the moon is hopping across Saturn, Jupiter, and Pluto in Capricorn. The moon suggests not only a personal mood, but can also apply to a group or public body. This configuration suggests that emotional resonance with the issues brought up in January and the end of April are again demanding more of the human and public psyche. Work that was left undone continues to demand conscious, applied effort.

Under the watchful gaze of Saturn, progress doesn’t come easily or quickly. There is a feeling of being under the thumb of an authority figure now. Jupiter in Capricorn wants to help, but looks on, hands tied. The biggest struggle with the astrology at this time remains that just because we can envision a way out of this kerfuffle doesn’t mean we have the ability to get there. Patience and a scrappy sort of creativity will be required. There is a strong emphasis on rethinking, redoing, and revisiting what was thought solid. Mars is tired of waiting around for things to change, and decides to have a few words with Jupiter on August 4th. This results in a long-term time out for the hot planet, as issues brought up now will continue to need worked through during Mars’ retrograde phase in the fall.
Uranus also goes retrograde at 10 degrees Taurus on August 15th. The sabian symbol for this degree is “A Red Cross Nurse,” which again evokes the need for pause, healing, and reconciliation during an otherwise stressful time. There is a feeling now that even as much as we would like to see change happen immediately, timing can be off, or there is more information needed. The Leo new moon which quickly follows suit on August 18th features a trine configuration between the Sun/Moon, Mars, and the South Node, suggesting that there is ample facility to process past actions, if we’re willing to be honest about our own scripts. A new and more complete understanding may evolve from reflective moments, and a fuller understanding of these consequences can mean a temporary slowdown, but more effective future decisions.
A budding of confidence occurs when we are able to accept what we have not been able to change, and commit to creating progress when and where we can. Aspects between Mercury in Leo and the Sagittarius south node can feed into a dogmatic ideology, or a lax presumption that one’s lived experience can be applied to the many. At the same time, Mars is conjoined Eris, the goddess of discord, and facing off against the conservative structural alliance of Pluto and Saturn in Capricorn.

Eris is an interesting archetype. This goddess tends to be given credit for kicking off the Trojan War. After being denied an invitation to the wedding of the King, she decides to throw a gilded apple into the festivities bearing a message for the attendees. The apple is addressed “To The Fairest.” This immediately kicks off an intense rivalry between Aphrodite, Hera, and Athena. Diplomatic Zeus knew he wasn’t up to the task of naming who was the most fair, (particularly between his mistress, wife and daughter!) so he nominated young Paris to the task. As Aphrodite promised Paris the love of Helen, he chose her as the most beautiful, and the rest becomes history. Helen becomes “the face that launches a thousand ships,” while Eris laughs at human foibles and the vanity of the pantheon.
Eris’ conjunction with Mars in the middle of the month suggests that those who have felt like they haven’t had a place at the table may have a particularly spicy word for the hosts of the event. It is a reminder that even if we feel powerless, small efforts can make a huge impact. The caution at this time is that emotional reactivity will be at a boiling point. Small social slights feel like banishment, and working towards clarity and emotional honesty must take priority over typical social graces. Mars and Eris will conjoin a few times this year, (August, October, and December) which suggests that whatever you initiate now will not be quickly forgiven nor forgotten.
Horoscopic Perspective August 1-15
ARIES: The blazing heat of the Sun in Leo suits you, Aries. Mars moving through your sign concurs. Are you on a mission? What conquest beckons? With fellow fire sign Sagittarius hosting the south node, proselytizing may come naturally to you this week. Use your skills fairly and recruit others to your side. You must be certain that your actions aren’t rooted in a need to support your own ego if you truly want to win hearts.
TAURUS: If your career is asking too much of you, have you mentioned your situation to someone who can help? It may be your own stubbornness that is making a manageable situation more difficult. The full moon on August third smiles towards Juno in your work-a-day house. A prominent female-esque or nurturing figure in your life may have wise words for you.
GEMINI: Signs point to you basking in the goodness of the new this month, Gem. Your fearless acceptance of whatever has been thrown at you is starting to pay dividends. Simultaneously, you’re being asked to continue to invest in your future. Spend some time considering how your daily communications can better reflect the person you’re becoming. Does your recent spate of good fortune require a change in thinking?
CANCER: With the full moon in your eighth house, commitments need to be taken seriously. Have you chosen goals that you’re willing to stick with even as the going gets tough? Don’t be afraid to take as much alone time as you need this week, work challenges will continue to up the ante and you need to make sure you’re putting your best claws forward.
LEO: Sweet Sun Child, cast some rays on the rest of us! When the Sun returns to its natural domicile, you’re a glowing orb of joy. Even though this may be a duty-bound time, your attitude has the ability to brighten up a room. It may be hard to resist showering your affections on someone special this week, so why try? One of your best attributes is making others feel like royalty, so don’t be afraid of giving too much away. It will return to you tenfold.
VIRGO: It may be time to set stronger boundaries around your relationship with your work. It can be hard for someone with a practical nature to admit their need for freedom, which in your case, makes it vitally important to recognize the urges coming to you now. Just because you aren’t certain which direction you’d like to go doesn’t mean you don’t deserve the time to sort through your feelings.
LIBRA: Leo and Libra are the unexpected besties of the zodiac – this season suits your easy going, creative and fun loving side. Make time for creative projects with friends, there is so much enjoyment to be shared with your social group right now. Don’t be surprised if a silly idea turns into something more meaningful as the month shapes up.
SCORPIO: You typically need a lot of freedom for movement and thought in your home and family environment. It’s very difficult for you to have trust in someone who seemingly wants to keep you on a short leash. If it feels like a work situation is asking you to prove your loyalty in some way over the next week or two, emphasize honesty. You don’t have to resign yourself to being faithful to a position that doesn’t respect or reflect your importance.
SAGITTARIUS: Forever a student, even when you’re in a mentoring role. There’s so much to learn these days Sagittarius… are there also habits worth taking the time to un-learn? Reflexive responses or ways of communicating that have developed out of complacency are coming up for review. Think deeply about how you’re responding to your loved ones and partners this week. When in doubt, listen more than you speak.
CAPRICORN: This past year has demanded you live up to rigorously high standards. If you’ve been able to meet those commitments, you may be feeling a sense of overwhelm at how far you’ve come. If you’ve been struggling, it can be tempting to feel desperate. Life is a mixed bag, so chances are you’ve got a good bit of both emotional states in your purse right now. Early August’s full moon asks you to take a deep dive and spend some time collecting yourself from all your adventures this past year. Wholeness is required for the next stage of your journey, and it’s worth fighting for the time needed to claim it.
AQUARIUS: You are known for keeping your cool, but there may be a few situations between you and a loved one this week that make you ready to fly off the handle. This person seems to know just which buttons to push. If there are regretful words spoken, it may be best to just get it out in the open. This is particularly true if you’ve been keeping the peace in a martyred spirit or without truly expressing what offends you about another’s behavior.
PISCES: You’re no stranger to sacrificing your own needs for the greater good. However, developing habits that feed your soul is a necessity if you’d like to keep the momentum going. You’ve proven your strength in new ways over the course of the summer, and you should be proud. However, if the well is starting to run dry, make sure you make time to meet your own needs before you rush off trying to save someone else.
Horoscopic Perspective August 15-31
ARIES: Life has demanded you develop the courage to be vulnerable. You’ve found yourself in situations where you had to summon pluck or even violence from somewhere unknown just to continue having the right to exist in peace. Mars’ movement through your sign calls attention to this process in you – your strength is crystallizing, but little lamb, what of your softness?
TAURUS: Uranus moving through a sign is a seven year process. When it entered Taurus in May 2018, perhaps you experienced a wakeup call in some area of your life. Your attitude to change is a big part of how easy or difficult this process will be. If you’re willing to accept the need for a shakeup, you may find reasons to feel excited about what’s happening now. If you are dreading the shift, you have a breather for a few months while Uranus turns retrograde. Work towards internalizing the process, and you’ll figure out how to turn it to your advantage.
GEMINI: Your ruler, Mercury, is in the mix with this month’s new moon, adding a communicative, vocal element. We all know you’re a great story teller, but is there an instance from your past associations that you’d like to shine a light on or bring to a broader audience? With Uranus turning retrograde in your house of secrets, a skeleton escaping a closet through text or song could be deeply healing.
CANCER: Some of the challenging situations you’ve encountered over the past year have led to a deeper appreciation for yourself and your own style. If the idea of “style” seems superfluous, consider it less as fashion, and more as the necessity of feeling comfortable in your own skin. Particularly for a creature who requires an armored skeleton to survive, I hope you can relate to the concept. Venus moving through your first house suggests an update to how you present yourself that better reflects the person you’ve become. The gauntlets look great on you, Crabby!
LEO: Setbacks, patience, and future promises have been the name of the game all summer. Going slowly and looking inward over the past month has hopefully given you more feeling of connectivity with the world at large. Remembering why you do something can be just the spark you need to get things moving again. With the new moon in your sign fist-bumping Mars in Aries, you’re doing everything you can to get a fire lit under your projects.
VIRGO: Nothing compares to the peace that comes from feeling safe and supported in your home life. If that has been elusive to you, consider what in your own mental state prevents you from gaining the comfort you need. You’re in the midst of a transformative process, which can mean there’s a need for a good ugly, screaming cry right now. Let it all out. Recognize the dramatics are part of the process, and give yourself a break. Once they’re out of the way you’ve got what you need to improve your situation.
LIBRA: This new moon looks like it wants you to enjoy some of the social niceties that may have been lacking over the summer. Time with friends and romantic escapades seem to be playing a role over the next two weeks. Perhaps you’re getting the hang of band practices via zoom, or a favorite neighborhood haunt has made a coronavirus-reducing outdoor upgrade getting you safely social again.
SCORPIO: You may be struggling to get a fresh start in a career or with your public image. The proof is in the pudding, though, Scorpz. If you want to show you can get the job done, tackle it piece by piece. With the new moon in a fixed sign, it may take a while to prove your point, but results will not be taken lightly.
SAGITTARIUS: The struggle to reorient your relationship with education continues. Philosophical differences between two stubborn parties may mean you need a new tack. Changing course and taking an impulsive gamble may feel necessary, but with so many planets retrograde right now you’ll likely be revisiting aspects of whatever you decide. Flexibility will suit you better than digging in your heels. Don’t compromise where the safety or security of yourself or others is not being taken seriously.
CAPRICORN: If arguments at home are leading to moody irritability you can’t quite shake, it may be time to value resolution over comfort. Venus moves through your house of partnership, giving you the generosity and will power to work through a stubborn streak in an ongoing relationship.
AQUARIUS: It’s never too late for a fresh start, Aquakid. If your need for freedom is constantly stopping you from getting serious, recognize this and commit to ways to deepen your support towards those who have supported you. Having the courage to address the wounds you’ve inflicted on other people takes more than an apology – it requires patience and a willingness to commit to an ongoing process.
PISCES: When you feel compelled to space out to release daily stress, consider focusing on your interior life. Make time for habits that serve your emotional and spiritual well-being. Something as simple as a 5-minute meditation or a daily tarot card draw could do wonders for you now. Or at least more than another Netflix binge.